Girl’s Generation (소녀시대) 5:3:2 Leg Workout

5:3:2 refers to the ideal leg ratio. This workout was introduced by the K-Pop girl group, Girls’ Generation SNSD (소녀시대). Girls’ Generation members are famous for their perfect bodies, but you can follow this workout to get the ideal leg shape!

I first found out about the leg workout on this video:

The Perfect Ratio:

– the thickest part of your thight

– the thickest part of your calves

– the thinnest part of your ankle

Here are the steps listed out based on the video:

1. Put your hands on your hips.

2. Kick both legs towards the front while jumping.

3. Spread legs while jumping and then put them back together. Do this for each leg.

4. Body towards the front and kick diagonally. Again, do this for each leg.

5. While jumping, diagonally kick your legs in a 90 degree position. (both legs)

6. While jumping, stretch out your legs and kick high, which keeping your legs straight.

7. Jump up high and high-five.

Have you heard about this workout before? What do you think?



20 thoughts on “Girl’s Generation (소녀시대) 5:3:2 Leg Workout

  1. Thank you so much for posting this leg workout!! ^^
    I’m doing it everyday for 20 minutes and it really is intense. I can even see some results on my calves, they’re getting thinner! I’m so happy about that since I do have lots of problems with getting my calves thinner, so I’ll keep doing this workout 🙂
    Thank you again so much!! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m so happy that this routine is working out for you! I really admire your dedication because I know how hard it is to stick to a routine. I definitely have a lot of trouble myself! Keep up the good work!


  2. Pingback: มาสร้างหุ่นสวยแบบไอดอลสาว ๆ เหล่านี้กัน อะไรที่ทำให้พวกเธอหุ่น เป๊ะ !!! – AkeruFeed

  3. This looks so simple but I bet it’s harder than it looks! Hahaha! I saw another girl group work out on an episode of The Beauty Bible, I can’t remember which group, but she said to tone your thighs, you put a book between them and you hold it there. I’ve never tried it before but apparently it works.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Not all Asians are like that though and there are many westerners that are just naturally thin. I think a major factor are the diets. Asian meals typically have healthier foods. But I am so jealous of anyone who doesn’t get fat no matter what they eat!


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