How to Get the Most Out of Your Sheet Mask

Since mask sheets have only a one-time use, they can get quite expensive! So here are a few tips to get the most out of mask sheet and to maximize its effects!

1. Exfoliate your skin before masking.

Dead skin builds up over time, which serves as a barrier against the essence of a sheet mask. By exfoliating, you are removing any dirt and other dead skin, so that the product can be absorbed fully.

2. Refrigerate your mask for at least 15 min before using.

When you apply a cold mask, it will feel much more refreshing and relaxing on your skin. Irritation will immediately be cooled down. In addition, keeping your masks in the refrigerator can also help them last longer.

3. Don’t waste excess essence in the packaging!

Since sheet masks are completely soaked in essence, there is usually some left in the packaging. Squeeze it out and apply it on your neck or store it in a clean jar for future use.

4. Don’t leave it on for over 30 minutes!

The longer the better, right? Wrong! In fact, it’s best to leave the mask sheet on for however long the directions say, typically 15-20 minutes. If you leave it on for too long, the sheet mask starts to dry out and the moisture begins to leave your skin and get soaked up by the mask instead.

5. Put it on after cleansing and toning.

Cleansing gets rid of any dirt from your skin for a clear and clean base for your mask, while toning preps your face for the products that you will be applying next. Mask sheets are most effective when applied at this stage since additional creams or essences will block its full effect.

Have any of you used these tricks before? What are some other tips that you have?

14 thoughts on “How to Get the Most Out of Your Sheet Mask

  1. I always use a face scrub brush and some cleanser before applying them, i also tend to use sheet masks at night so that i can go straight to bed and let the excess essence absorb while i sleep.

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